Thank you to everyone here. I am amazed at all of the people doing so many nice things to help make this tough time easier. People are just so sweet. Thank you to everyone who have sent comforting things for the twins. It all helps ♥ The tips are REALLY helpful ♥ This process is really hard for them, harder than they make it look. They grieve so quietly & sweetly. They do kind little thing...s for Cameron, then we talk about all of the fun things he would love & cute things he would say. We talk about what we would say to him if he were here today. How happy he is in heaven, but that he still loves us & waiting patiently for our turn to go go to heaven.He knows we still have work to do here on Earth. I am amazed at the kindness of strangers, but here since we have all been through so much here together, we aren't strangers really. It's one big family here. Sorry I have been away from the computer for awhile. We are trying to get used to the new normal, it sucks. Really sucks, but we just keep plugging along. We have all had colds and now trying to get healthy. My silly thought the other day was "thank goodness tears aren't purple or blue" that way no one can see them when I randomly cry at the store or some strange time. My super sweet therapist told me that grief is like standing on the beach and these big crashing waves of grief come in. You have a choice you can fight the waves, push fight, whatever but the wave will come in regardless or you can bend your knees brace yourself to it coming and just ride it out until it recedes back into the ocean and wait for the next one. The good thing is it always recedes, there may be more but there will be little breaks too. During those breaks you get stronger. I don't feel very strong at all, but it helps to get some tips on how to navigate this new territory myself. The pain is unimaginable and the loss is everywhere but he was super strong so in honor of him I will be super strong someday too. We are so thankful for all of the super sweet cards from everyone, including our nurses & doctors. We still have some flowers still blooming from the funeral too. A BIG thank you to everyone who sent those BEAUTIFUL flowers/treats for the twins & donations in his honor. We feel really loved. Thank you all sooooo much, it really has made a tough time easier, thank you & big hugs ♥ Thanks for the prayers & checking in on us too ♥