Cameron had a good day today!! So if all goes well, Thursday the 12th will be the last appointment for this phase 2 of 5 phases of treatment! The next phase is scheduled to start on the 20th of July (if he passes his blood tests on the 19th of July). This next phase we are heading into, the doctors say that it is 1 week in the hospital & 1 week out. Back & forth for the next 64 days. This is when Cressey will need some help juggling the twins & work. We are also officially entering Cameron's "hat phase" I trimmed his hair tonight, at his request because it was tickling. There is a lot of shiny scalp showing now. He is not completely bald yet, but well on his way now. If anyone is out & about and happen to see a cute kids baseball hat...we can never have too many :) Thank you!!
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