Sunday, September 2, 2012

Its been a long week :)

Sorry I haven't been that good about updating this week.  Its been a pretty hard week with Cameron.  He has been hard to get to eat and won't go to sleep unless he is laying on mom or dad.  This is both bedtime & nap time.  At night after a while he will let you lay him in his bed, but then wakes up in a few hours letting the whole house know how upset he is.  This is VERY different from his usual sweet nature & easy bedtimes. It all started when he got home from the hospital on last Sunday. It may be that he is just almost 2 or it may be the accumulation of all of the high dose methotrexate & other chemo.  The doctors said its not possible to spoil a kid with cancer on chemo because the feel miserable and can't tell you what they need.  On the upside we are getting a lot of cuddle time with him  :) The toys are all moved upstairs (heartbreaking for mom to see them go) and we are almost ready for the cold & flu season for him.  That is a big job all in itself. It has been nice to have his counts up & not have to be as paranoid.  We will start being super paranoid of germs & colds in the next few weeks.  We are getting ready for the lockdown! Its been a busy week.

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