Wednesday, January 16, 2013

quiet day

He is too big for the portable CT scan. That means no scan, because they don't want to move him. We did move one room over just to get a fresh start. His stroke seems to have stabilized for now. That is the risk of all of that heparin keeping the circuit going. He is able to respond a little. He can't nod his head anymore but he can close his eyes when I ask him to. The good news is that he is young and this is fairly common. He may be able to come back from this eventually. The cure to a clot is heparin & it is also the cause too. We have to wait until the morning x-ray to see if the surfactant helped. It has to sit and marinate in his lungs for 6 hours. It's odds of working is slim but Seattle Children's hospital thinks it's worth a try. Oh, last night the ECMO machine turned off since it sucked air from a line. A nurse & doctor had to hand crank the flow on it until the perfusionist could get here to make the machine work again!! Once he got there, he got it back online. That was another hard day. Today has been a quieter day adjusting to this new phase. Thank you for the prayers!! ♥

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